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Be part of the change!

Since October 7th, it has become increasingly clear that women must hold decision-making positions.

WePower’s mission is to lead Israel to equal representation between women and men around decision-making tables.


of the current women MKs are WePower graduates


of the women leading local authorities are WePower graduates


Over 80% of the graduates of WePower’s School for Politics program ran in the municipal elections in 2018.


WePower graduates ran for leadership positions in local authorities during the 2018 municipal elections


One-quarter of WePower’s graduates have run for public positions


WePower has promoted three bills regarding representation and gender equality in Israel, such as the law ensuring increased funding for political parties with over 30% women representation within the framework of the Political Parties Funding Law.


As a result of training thousands of women for public leadership and social activism, the number of women holding key positions in local authorities has increased ten-fold.


WePower’s nationwide training network that employs a unique, integral model to advance women to public, political, and management roles has trained over one hundred cohorts from the Upper Galilee to Eilat.


WePower was granted consultative status to the UN’s ECOSOC regarding gender equality in 2017

And we will continue towards 50:50 representation by 2030

To ensure a more just and equal future for our children and grandchildren, we need your support to enable us to reach as many women and men who believe in an equal Israeli society as possible.

All donations of all sizes are greatly appreciated, so we can continue our crucial work.

WePower is a registered nonprofit organization in Israel.

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We're running out of time! 50:50 by 2030
